You’d be surprised as to how many guys fall for that bullshit. I usually have a bullshit detector that is spot on. If I get some sort of impression that this chick is trying to play head games or she’s trying to fuck with my mind, I just drop her like a hot potato. So far it’s worked well until I met Adriana and this is where my sexy mature hookup story begins.
Adriana doesn’t look like a lonely housewife. In fact, she’s not a housewife at all. She’s an accomplished lawyer. She is a partner at a fairly big firm in town. She has actually appeared on the paper several times because the law firm she works for has been suing very big companies. In other words, she’s a who’s who in my town.
So, when I saw her profile on this dating site , it really blew me away because I kind of had a vague idea of who she was. I was thinking maybe this would hurt her career. It turns out that she’s still single even though she’s in her mid-40s. She thinks that children are overrated. She thinks that getting married just for social reasons and emotional validation is bullshit. In other words, she’s my kind of girl. I’m in my 50s and I don’t really see the need to get married. I mean, if you get your emotional sustenance from your friends and your community members, why the fuck would you inflict that amount of emotional torture on yourself.
Sadly, too many of my friends end up marrying women that they don’t really like. They just don’t want to grow old alone. So, they bite the bullet and end up being married to a total bitch. Not surprisingly, a lot of them are completely miserable, but they don’t want to admit it to themselves. They want to put on a show and try to put up appearances, but deep down inside they’re basically dead.
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